Hi there!
I am a Senior Lecturer (aka Assistant Professor) of Statistics and Data Science and Digital Humanities at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Before that, I was a Phillip Griffiths Assistant Research Professor at Duke University's math department as well as at the Rhodes Information Initiative, where I was privileged to be working with Prof. Ingrid Daubechies. Even before that, I have completed my Ph.D. in applied mathematics at Tel-Aviv University (my thesis) under the mentoring of Prof. David Levin. My MSc was co-mentored by Prof. Levin and Prof. Israel Finkelstein from the Department of Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Civilizations.
email: Barak.Sober@mail.huji.ac.il
My academic CV
Research Interests
Approximation theory, Moving Least-Squares, manifold estimation, computational geometry, local polynomial regression, mathematical statistics, computer vision, machine learning, and their applications in the Humanities. Higher Education 2003-2007 B.Sc in Mathematics & Philosophy Tel-Aviv University, Israel Graduated Magna Cum Laude 2009-2013 M.Sc in Applied Mathematics Tel-Aviv University, Israel Advised by Prof. David Levin (Mathematics) and Prof. Israel Finkelstein (Archaeology) Graduated Summa Cum Laude 2013-2018 Ph.D in Applied Mathematics Tel-Aviv University, Israel Advised by Prof. David Levin Dissertation Title: Structuring High Dimensional Data: A Moving Least-Squares Projective Approach to Analyze Manifold Data Approval Date: December 2019 2018- Postdoctoral fellow Present Department of Mathematics Duke University, USA Hosted by Prof. Ingrid Daubechies Academic Appointments 2010-2018 Teaching Assistant School of Mathematical Sciences Tel-Aviv University, Israel 2013-2018 Lecturer Faculty of Engineering Tel-Aviv University, Israel 2017-2018 Lecturer Faculty of Engineering Afeka Engineering College, Israel 2018- Phillip Griths Assistant Research Professor Present Information Initiative at Duke Department of Mathematics Duke University, USA
Other Activity
Honors & Awards 2020 Dan-David Scholarship 2020 American Mathematical Society (AMS) and Simons Foundation Travel Grant 2016 Outstanding Ph.D student of the School of Mathematical Sciences Tel Aviv University 2016 Excellence Scholarship of the Faculty of Exact Sciences Tel Aviv University 2016 Minerva short term visiting scholar to Freie Universitat, Berlin 2014 Outstanding lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering Tel Aviv University
Teaching at Academic institution
Courses Taught by Candidate (in the last three years): Duke University Multivariate Calculus for Engineering (undergraduate level) Duke University Math Everywhere: Mathematical Concepts and Reasoning in our Modern World for general audience (undergraduate level) Duke University Mentoring Independent Study in Math Education (graduate level) Tel-Aviv University Numerical Analysis for Math (undergraduate level) Tel-Aviv University Ordinary Dierential Equations for Mechanical Engineering (undergraduate level) Tel-Aviv University Harmonic Analysis in English for Engineering (undergraduate level) Afeka College Calculus I (undergraduate level)